Home » DOWNTIME: How to Identify Waste in the Workplace with FSG Prefab – Transportation

DOWNTIME: How to Identify Waste in the Workplace with FSG Prefab – Transportation

Waste on a project can come in many forms. FSG Prefab likes to use the acronym “DOWNTIME” to describe this waste, look for it, and eliminate it. There are eight types of DOWNTIME waste in construction and manufacturing. Yesterday, we learned about “N” – Non-Utilized Talent. Today, we’ll examine the letter “T” in our DOWNTIME acronym – Transportation.

This is an easy waste to identify. Repeated unnecessary trips to and from the job site, poor pickup coordination, and trips to the hardware store to get extra parts, all create wasted time, energy, and money. Find out how FSG Prefabrication can help optimize your transportation in today’s short video.

Take some time today to think about how to optimize transportation in your work. Next week, we’ll learn about the “I” in DOWNTIME – Inventory.

For a recap on DOWNTIME’s “D” – Defects, click here.
For a recap on DOWNTIME’s “O” – Overproduction, click here.
For a recap on DOWNTIME’s “W” – Waiting, click here.
For a recap on DOWNTIME’s “N” – Non-Utilized Talent, click here.

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