Welcome to the FSG Virtual Suggestion Box!

Your feedback matters to us!

The core of FSG's mission is to willingly contribute to the quality of life for all employees. We aim to do this by providing excellent jobs and careers and by striving to meet or exceed the expectations of all employees. This virtual suggestion box aims to help us do precisely that. You now have a voice to influence FSG's culture, policies, and procedures. If you have ideas that will contribute to the mission of FSG and make FSG a better place, we would love to hear them! You can make suggestions anonymously or include your contact information if you'd like someone to follow up on your idea.

All submitted suggestions will be reviewed daily and directed to the appropriate divisions for thorough evaluation and discussion. While not all suggestions can be implemented, those that are will be acknowledged in our quarterly newsletter and highlighted as coming from this suggestion box.

We acknowledge that not all suggestions to make FSG better will be positive. If you have constructive criticism, we encourage you to submit it, provided you offer a solution or suggestion for improvement.

If you need to report harassment or a workplace emergency, call Work Shield at 866-946-5558 or visit fsg.worshieldportal.com.


Name (Optional)
Do not enter your name if you want your suggestion to be anonymous.
Do not enter your email address if you want your suggestion to be anonymous.
Would you like us to follow up with you regarding your suggestion?(Required)
"Yes" requires your name and email address to be entered above.