Home » Ryan’s Christmas Play

Ryan’s Christmas Play

by Robin Taylor, TDC 

My Miracle Happened Today

My FSG Family & Friends.

We have seen many prayer requests go out this year for many reasons, from hardship to health. I wanted to share my uplifting experience during this Christmas season.

My son Ryan has PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) which is a high functioning form of Autism. Ryan, who is mostly deficient in his social skills, stood front row in his school Christmas play today, and sang the song “Believe”  so loud and proud with his classmates, that there was not a dry eye in the auditorium.

Never, in a million years, did we think he would be able to do this. My miracle happened today-as I received the greatest gift I could ever receive! Ryan is pictured on the front row, first boy on the right

I hope all of you have a small miracle happen this Christmas.

Robin Taylor

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