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Simon Malls and FSG published in TED

In the world of retail property management Simon Property Group is one of the most respected and influential organizations.  

FSG has had the privilege and honor to work with Simon for a number of years answering their lighting and energy needs.   Recently TED magazine did a profile on the relationship that Simon and FSG have and highlighted some of the things that make this relationship good not only for the two organizations, but for the industry as a whole. 

“Creating a Shopping Paradise”

by Susan Bloom

In the 1960s and 1970s, Simon founders Melvin and Herb Simon played a major role in developing the concept of the shopping mall in America. The property management company ultimately grew to encompass 208 properties within 37 states plus Puerto Rico, with several of the largest commanding approximately 2 million square feet of retail floorspace. Some 50 years later, the company is breaking new ground once again—this time with a proactive LED overhaul of its properties nationwide as well as a unique partnership with Austin, Texas-based Facility Solutions Group (FSG). Launched one year ago, the ongoing LED upgrades undertaken by the unified team are delivering an enhanced shopping experience to consumers as well as reduced energy bills and improved lighting performance for Simon.

“For us, it’s all about providing our customers with the safest and most comfortable shopping experience possible,” said Ed Sayers, vice president of energy services and sustainable practices for Simon in Indianapolis. “We will do everything we can to make our tenants successful. As part of our dedication to operational excellence, we understand that great lighting creates comfortable and appealing spaces while enabling us to meet our sustainability goals as part of being environmental stewards in our communities.”

In the search for great lighting, “We first began evaluating LEDs three to four years ago and were early adopters, as we recognized that this new technology could give our malls an improved look and feel,” Sayers said. What the Simon entity was not, he acknowledged, was a lighting expert.

Explained Sayers, “We’re landlords and not on the cutting edge of LED technology daily,” a reality that fueled the partnership with FSG. “With [FSG’s] technology background; national footprint; leverage with manufacturers; and strengths in logistics, order management, customer service, and pricing, we realized that [FSG was] best positioned to keep our mall teams on the cutting edge of technology and execute cost-effective solutions.”

Read the rest of Susan Bloom’s article by Clicking Here and going to the TED website

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