The current topic for estimators is consolidating information that we all need in producing “Technical Proposals”, obviously each GC and project has its unique format and job specific questions…ie.. Support Team, QAQC, etc… We spent our time identifying and defining which items are common to all of us so that we can create a file to store this info… ie.. Safety EMR, Bonding Info, Insurance Info, and previous job history, etc… I contacted Patrick who is creating an “Estimating Folder” on fsg9/public so that we can store this in a common area. We will update this info at regular intervals. We also discussed the need to create sub-categories in coins so that we can better segregate the various types of projects. We created a list of requested job types.. ie parking garage, prison / detention, etc… We don’t know, (at this time) if these additional categories can be included in the coins job set up menu, I will find out an report back to the group next month. The Job Types in job set up 6 – 1 – 2 menu are general, many of the technical proposals require more specific historical data. We also demonstrated the 6 – 17 Menu for exporting wip data in an excel file for filtering and data evaluation. While we were on that topic, we reiterated that the estimators are responsible for updating the 6 – 4 Bid Tracking Menu.