Home » NAC is Making a Difference In The Community

NAC is Making a Difference In The Community

Headed up by Team 4 Lead Sara Ralstin, FSG National Accounts is committed to making a positive impact in their local community in Dallas. Currently, they are conducting a school supply drive for the Bachman Lake Community Center, which will run through July 12.

To boost fundraising success and to have fun in the process, the NAC office has organized a “penny war” to create a sense of competition among the staff.

In addition to the school supply drive, FSG also recently repaired and retrofitted the pole lights in the Bachman Lake Community Center parking lot with LED lights free of charge!

The community center expressed their gratitude, saying, “The pole lights look wonderful!! Thank you all so much for this. We are so grateful to have lighting in the parking lot during the early morning hours and in the evening!

It creates a much safer environment for staff, families, and guests. The tech was amazing, so professional and courteous. He explained everything thoroughly and showed us how to set up a timer, wow!!! He is a true asset to the company.”

FSG Technicians repair and retrofit faulty light poles
at the Bachman Lake Community Center

Reflecting on FSG’s commitment to community service, Sara Ralstin said, “Community service has always been an important piece of my life. I was a Girl Scout as a little girl, and now lead my daughter’s Girl Scout troop.

One of the Girl Scout mottos is to make the world a better place. Back in August 2023, I visited the Shiner Brewery. During the tour, I was very impressed with the company’s community involvement through helping those in need,

scholarships, supporting the military, environmental consciousness, etc. And, I started wondering how FSG could get involved with community service.”

Sara’s passion led her to initiate a coat drive for the Bachman Lake Community Center during Christmas. She recounted, “I started researching and asking for ideas from the FSG family on whom we could help. I reached out to

Dia to help me organize and manage the community service project. We met with some of FSG’s Events leadership and presented our options, and it was voted to do the coat drive at Bachman Lake Center. Bachman is just 3 miles from FSG!

How could we not help these families that are so close to our FSG campus?”

The coat drive was a resounding success. “The coat drive was a HUGE success! I honestly did not know if we would be able to meet the need that was presented to us by Bachman Lake. But, the FSG Family showed up and donated their time,

energy, and money to put coats on the children of 67 families, that’s 100 coats total! Seeing all those coats in one room and understanding that each coat represented a child that was in need was a very humbling experience,” Sara shared.

FSG’s mission emphasizes contributing to the quality of life for employees, customers, vendors, and the general community through selfless acts of service. Sara added, “We must continue our ‘good unselfish works of service.’

Bachman has a great number of families in need, as well as several other local charities that we could partner with to help people in need. So, keep watch for details on our next event!”

Thank you, Sara and NAC, for embodying the spirit of community service, making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around you.

FSG at the Bachman Lake Community Center coat drive in 2023
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